Kindered Hearts

As a regulated and experienced care provider and supporting people in their own homes, our carers can help in all kinds of ways, with their priority being the comfort and wellbeing of the person in their care.

With regards to supported living, we encourage and support our residents in accessing employment, education, and training. Key-working sessions will help young adults build up skills in areas that require additional provision until a safe level of independence is achieved, and young adults are supported in the transition to their own home.

  • Disability 
  • Mental Health
  • Respite Care
  • Personal Care
  • Independent accommodation and  skills development
  • Attending appointments, bill payments, banking & money management
  • Support with housing register and bidding for council properties
  • Treatment of Disease and injury (TDDI)
  • Complex Care
  • Child Domiciliary care

Kindered Hearts was conceived by a group of healthcare professionals, nurses/midwives, whose mission is to contribute to community development, where those needing any type of our services or support will feel safe and confident in the care and assistance that we provide. Our staff share this common belief and are dedicated to ensuring that our mission and core values are reflected in every aspect of our work.

Specialist Expertise

We have a rigorous recruitment process and train our carers to the very highest of standards.

Approved and Certified

We provide a quality assured and statutory regulated service.

Dedicated 24/7 Support

A fully managed service with around-the-clock emergency support.

Assured Quality Control

Our knowledge and skills reflect best practice and high-quality care.